演講學者:Dr. Weerapon Thongma / 泰國湄州大學校長
題目:The Perception on Eco-innovativeness of Modern Agricultural Farm Entrepreneurs and Agrotourists in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand
演講學者:Miss Chalisa Kallayanamitra / 美國農業部國家森林局研究員
題目:USDA Forest Service Report of National Forest Sustainability Indicators: Payments for Forest Ecosystem Services and Resilience of Forest-Dependent Communities in the United States
演講學者:Dr. Emma L. Ballad / 菲律賓農業部漁業暨水產資源局資深官員
題目:Empirical Study on the Functionality and Sustainability of Coastal Resource Management: An Application of Environmental Economics to Marine Protected Areas in Cagayan, Philippines
演講學者:Dr. Witsanu Attavanich / 泰國農業大學經濟學系副教授
題目:Evaluating Impacts of Climate Change on Food Security and Implications of Adaptation Policies in Thai Agriculture
演講學者:Dr. Sutrisno Hadi Purnomo / 印尼三一大學副教授
題目:Barriers to Acceptance of Information and Communication Technology in Agricultural Extension in Indonesia
演講學者:Dr. Hoang Ha Anh / 越南胡志明市農林大學助理教授
題目:Assessment of Farmers' Flood Vulnerability in the Cambodian Floodplain and Vietnam Mekong River Delta
演講學者:Dr. Nirote Sinnarong / 泰國湄州大學助理教授
題目:The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Rice Production: An Empirical Evidence from Panel Data Models and Implications for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Central Watershed of Thailand